Monday, November 9, 2009

Crazy Love Challenge Begins!

Hello all! This blog exists for people to post their responses to the Crazy Love Challenge at Connection Church in Suwanee, GA. God has an incredibly Crazy Love for all of us. This love calls us to respond in a crazy way. So, Connection Church is participating in the Crazy Love Challenge. This challenge is for us to find a need in our communities (a neighbor who can't pay a bill, a co-worker that needs help with groceries, or someone that needs the time of a friend to know that someone cares). As these needs are met, the stories will be posted here as a reminder to everyone of God's love and work through His people. Hey, do you know that God loves you? If so, meet a need, share it with us, and let's do something crazy for love!

I want to thank Francis Chan, and his book Crazy Love, for reminding us of the power and impact of God's love.